40 Years of Science and Knowledge
Celebrating INESC 40th anniversary, three sessions will take place in Lisbon, Porto and Coimbra: Porto – Empowering companies to face new challenges – July 6 Lisbon – Creating new technology-based companies – October 8 Coimbra – Relation with the academic world – October The first…
Springer Pusblishes the Book “Optimal Impulsive Control for Cancer Therapy”
Springer recently published the book “Optimal Impulsive Control for Cancer Therapy “, written by João Pedro Belfo and João Miranda Lemos. The book approaches the optimization of cancer therapies based on optimal impulsive control. The book is available here.
INESC-ID Researchers in the Ranking of the World’s Best Scientists in Computer Science
Three researchers from INESC-ID were recognized in the 6th edition of the annual ranking for the world’s best scientists in Computer Science and Electronics, released by Guide2Research. The researcher’s Ana Paiva, Joaquim Jorge, and Luís Rodrigues were distinguished together with thirteen Portuguese scientists. This ranking…
Ana Paiva Selected as Radcliffe Fellow
Researcher Ana Paiva was recently selected as Radcliffe Fellow for 2020-2021. The Radcliffe Institute Fellowship Program selects and supports, each year, scholars, artists, and scientists from different countries who “have both exceptional promise and have demonstrated accomplishments.” The full list of fellows is available here. Congratulations!
Inesc Position Paper on Synergies Between European, National and Regional Funds and Programmes for Research, Development and Innovation
INESC fully supports a RD&I framework programme based on excellence. However, we believe this can only be achieved across Europe if, among other, synergies between European programmes and instruments are effectively and /de facto/ implemented, supported by strong incentives and with a simplified framework. Read all…
Instituto Superior Técnico Celebrates 109 Years
On May 22, Instituto Superior Técnico celebrates its 109th anniversary with an online event in live streaming, starting at 2 pm. Join us to celebrate with Técnico! More information here.
National Scientists Day
On the national scientists day, we highlight the work of our team, which has evolved a lot over the last 20 years. Our scientists develop technologies every day to serve you!
‘The Insider’ Podcast With Inês Lynce
Inês Lynce, President of INESC-ID, was invited to the 3rd episode of “The Insider” podcast. “The Insider” is made in Brussels and was created by INESC Brussels HUB to talk about research and innovation in Europe. The interview is available here.
5 New Pojects Approved at CMU Call 2019
INESC-ID had just recently approved 5 research projets under the FCT Call for the Carnegie Mellon Portugal program, under a total of 7 research projets that will be funded under this call. These 5 exploratory research projects where submitted in 2019 and will be supported…
EPEEC Article in Scientific Computing World Magazine
The Scientific Computing World Magazine published an article about the progress in the project EPEEC – European Programming Environment for Programming Productivity of Heterogeneous Supercomputers. This article is an interview with Antonio Peña, project coordinator, and Senior Researcher from Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). The project EPEEC, coordinated…