INCISTA Internships
Last week took place at IST-Taguspark Campus the INCISTA Internships, under the program ‘Ciência Viva no Laboratório…
INESC-ID Evaluation
We are very proud and satisfied to announce the evaluation of R&D Units that we received from…
INESC -ID 20 Years – Museu do Oriente
INESC-ID celebrated the 20th anniversary with a special event that took place at Museu do Oriente. The…
INESC-ID 20 Years Booklet
We are pleased to share with you the INESC-ID 20 Years Booklet that we have been preparing.…
20 Years INESC-ID
Tomorrow we celebrate the 20 years of INESC-ID with a special wide public event at Museu do…
Science and Technology Summit 2019
It has ended yesterday another edition of Science and Technology Summit, an event that promotes debates in…
Ana Paiva Elected EurAI Fellow
We are proud to announce that our researcher Ana Paiva, from the research group Intelligent Agents and…
Best thesis in France – Thomas Durieux
The doctoral thesis «From Runtime Failures to Patches: Study of Patch Generation in Production» of our researcher…
Socio-Cognitive Systems Journal
The INESC-ID researcher Rui Prada is one of the members of the Socio-Cognitive Systems Journal board editorial.…
‘IoT Board for Agriculture Applications’ at Keep in Touch 2019
INESC-ID has been present in Keep in Touch 2019 with the ‘IoT Board for Agriculture Applications’ demo,…
QualiChain: Blockchain for education and employment qualifications
INESC-ID is one of the ten partners of Qualichain, a European project focused on the assessment of…
AAMAS 2019 – Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award
Fernando Pedro, a former student from GAIPS won the Victor Lesser distinguished dissertation award with the these…