IRIS Project presents results at the Supreme Court of Justice
The Supreme Court of Justice (STJ) will host in its headquarters an open public session to present results of the project IRIS – Information, Rationalization, Integration and Summarization: Application of Artificial Intelligence Techniques at the Supreme Court of Justice.
The event will feature interventions from the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, Judge Counselor Henrique Araújo, the Vice-President of the High Council for the Judiciary, Judge Counselor Luís Azevedo Mendes, and members of the research team responsible for developing the project at Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (Iscte) and Instituto Superior Técnico (Técnico) I INESC ID.
Within the scope of this Project, two IT functionalities were developed: a database of jurisprudential rulings, which will promote transparency and improve access to decisions, and a ruling anonymization tool that will be made available to all courts, through a protocol with the Superior Council of the Judiciary.
Among the team members the session will count on the presence of Ricardo Ribeiro (Iscte), Flávio Martins (Técnico I INESC ID), Daniel Gonçalves (Técnico I INESC ID), and José Borbinha, researcher at INESC ID and Professor at the Department of Computer Engineering from Técnico.
The IRIS Project is an initiative of the Supreme Court of Justice that has been developed 2020 and funded by COMPETE 2020 as part of the Portugal 2020, and by the European Social Fund.
More about the event here.