OLISSIPO Lecture with Denis Schapiro (University Hospital Heidelberg) at INESC ID

OLISSIPO Lecture with Denis Schapiro (University Hospital Heidelberg) at INESC ID

The next OLISSIPO Lecture: “From oncology to cardiology: Spatial omics technologies for topographic biomarker discovery” by Denis Schapiro (University Hospital Heidelberg), will take place on November 23 (11am), at INESC-ID Headquarters in Lisbon.

Location: INESC-ID I Room 9, Floor -1 (ask at the reception)

Abstract: With improvements in speed and amount of data that can be collected from tissues, data processing and analysis have become major challenges. Therefore, we developed the open-source histology topography cytometry analysis toolbox (histoCAT), which became the first software specifically tailored to analyse highly multiplexed images. HistoCAT includes advanced machine learning approaches and basic statistical methods integrated in an interactive desktop application. Recently, we have developed a scalable and modular computational pipeline (MCMICRO) enabling the analysis of a variety of highly multiplexed spatial technologies for proteomics (antibody-based) and transcriptomics. We demonstrated the use of MCMICRO on dozens of tissue and tumor images acquired using multiple imaging platforms, thereby providing a solid foundation for the continued development of tissue imaging software. In the second part of my talk, I will cover the Minimum Information about Highly Multiplexed Tissue Imaging (MITI) standard as well as our spatial power analysis framework to improve experimental design strategies. Lastly, I will highlight how we utilized the developed tools to process data with a focus on myocardial infarction.

Bio: Dr. Denis Schapiro is a Research Group Leader at the Heidelberg University Hospital focusing on spatial omics technologies and analysis. Before moving to Heidelberg, he was an Independent Fellow at the Laboratory of Systems Pharmacology at Harvard Medical School and the Klarman Cell Observatory at the Broad Institute where he was a a Damon Runyon Quantitative Biology Fellow mentored by Prof. Peter Sorger and Prof. Aviv Regev.
Previously, he was supported by the SNFS Mobility Fellowship. Denis obtained his PhD from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich in the laboratory of Prof. Bernd Bodenmiller where he worked on Imaging Mass Cytometry and corresponding analysis tools focusing on highly multiplexed image analysis. 

Registration is free but mandatory here, deadline is November 20.

Seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Further information at olissipo@inesc-id.pt.


INESC-ID, “Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores: Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa” is a Research and Development and Innovation Organization (R&D+i) in the fields of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. INESC-ID mission is to produce added value to people and society, supporting the response of public policies to scientific, health, environmental, cultural, social, economic and political challenges. INESC-ID promotes cooperation between academia and industry by addressing research on daily life issues, such as healthcare, space, mobility, agri-food, industry 4.0, and smart grids. This high level of knowledge transfer is achieved through both competitive research projects and direct contracted research. Public and private entities have therefore access to a pool of knowledge, resources and services provided through the unique competencies available at the institution.


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