researchers distinguished with the 2016 Denny Medal of IMarEST
Researchers Rui Castro and Ferreira de Jesus, where distinguished with the 2016 Denny Meal, given by IMarEST…
how IMAGIC will help cancer to become an irrelevant disease
For those who did not get the chance to attend the COHiTEC Program 2017 closing session, you…
LxMLS 2017
LxMLS 2017 took place July 20-27 at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and was organized jointly by INESC-ID,…
intel tools fueled by INESC-ID researchers @ERCIM News
The ERCIM News No. 110 has just been published with a special theme on “Blockchain Engineering“. INESC-ID…
best student paper award @SAT2017
Miguel Terra-Neves, Inês Lynce and Vasco Manquinho received the best student paper award for: Introducing Pareto Minimal…
TeMA – Thematic Track on Text Mining and Applications
The Thematic Track on Text Mining and Applications (TeMA) will take place at the 18th EPIA Conference…
AIG – Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Games
The Thematic Track on Artificial Intelligence in Games will take place at the 18th EPIA Conference on…
CYTED – Programa Ibero Americano de Ciência e Tecnologia para o Desenvolvimento
Cyted funding opens calls for thematic networks and cyted foruns. Deadline April 27th, 2017. More info:
ERC Proof of Concept Grant
All Principal Investigators benefitting from an ERC Advanced, Synergy, Consolidator or Starting Grant that is either ongoing,…