There was chit-chat, an in-house photoshow, a trip down memory lane, and a big birthday cake. INESC-ID is officially a young adult, and January 28 was the day we chose to gather our community—past and present—along with friends from academia to celebrate 25 years of defining technology.
At the Salão Nobre of Instituto Superior Técnico, we spent the afternoon reflecting on the work accomplished so far, as outlined by Inês Lynce, President of the Board of Directors, and looking ahead to the future, as addressed by Miguel Pupo Correia, President of the Executive Committee.
In a conversation with INESC-ID’s first Directors back in the year 2000—Luís Borges de Almeida, Helena Sarmento, and Arlindo Oliveira—moderated by INESC-ID Science Writer Sara Sá, we heard about the main challenges of launching a research institute, the innovative management solutions implemented, and the memorable incidents that shaped this adventure.
Rogério Colaço, President of Técnico, and Luís Castro, Vice-Rector of Universidade de Lisboa and a Professor at Técnico, honoured us with their presence on stage, sharing a few words in recognition of the research work conducted at INESC-ID.
And, of course, no birthday celebration would be complete without cake and candles. The afternoon concluded with a chocolate cake decorated in INESC-ID colours and more than one hundred participants singing “Happy Birthday” to INESC-ID.

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