Last Friday, we had the pleasure of hosting a workshop on “How to design a graphical abstract,” organised by OLISSIPO. The workshop was specifically tailored for Early-Stage Researchers and had Rita Félix, science communicator, illustrator, and designer from the CNC Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, as speaker and instructor.

Throughout the day, participants delved into the specifics of graphical abstracts, gaining valuable insights into their structure and learning practical tips for enhancing clarity and appeal in their designs, without the need for software like Adobe Illustrator. They were encouraged to bring their graphical abstracts to the workshop, to share with the group, receive feedback, and collaborate on refining their designs. By the end of the day, each attendee left with an improved version of their graphical abstract, following several presentations and discussions.

The aim was to equip participants with the necessary design tools and insights to create compelling and clear visual representations of their research, highlighting INESC-ID’s dedication to fostering a culture of effective science communication and equipping its researchers with the tools and knowledge necessary to share their work with broader audiences.